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Allied Telesis ALLIED 1x 10/100/1000BaseT uplink module for AT-8500 AT-8600 series and the EoL AT-8000 Series

Förstasidan Kommunikation Switchar Allied Telesis ALLIED 1x 10/100/1000BaseT uplink module for AT-8500 AT-8600 series and the EoL AT-8000 Series
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Allied Telesis ALLIED 1x 10/ 100/ 1000BaseT uplink module for AT-8500 AT-8600 series and the EoL AT-8000 Series (AT-A46)

Allied Telesis ALLIED 1x 10/100/1000BaseT uplink module for AT-8500 AT-8600 series and the EoL AT-8000 Series


Allied Telesyn AT - Expansion module - EN, Fast EN, Gigabit EN - 10Base-T, 100Base-TX, 1000Base-T
  • Produkt Modul
  • Portar 1
  • Hastighet 1Gbps
Förväntad i lager 2024-10-01

Single port 10/100/1000T copper gigabit module


This expansion module provide optional uplink ports for the 8000 series, 8500 series and 8600 series. It is designed for the one or two expansion slots on the front of the 10/100 switches. It offers flexibility in building or expanding your network.


  • RJ-45 connector type
  • 10/100/1000T
  • Hot-swappable / Removeable

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