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AKASA Waterproof fanless case for Intel® 6th and 7th Generation Core i5 Daws

Förstasidan Datorkomponenter Chassi AKASA Waterproof fanless case for Intel® 6th and 7th Generation Core i5 Daws
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AKASA Waterproof fanless case for Intel® 6th and 7th Generation Core i5 Daws (A-NUC22-M3B)
AKASA Waterproof fanless case for Intel® 6th and 7th Generation Core i5 Daws (A-NUC22-M3B)
AKASA Waterproof fanless case for Intel® 6th and 7th Generation Core i5 Daws (A-NUC22-M3B)
AKASA Waterproof fanless case for Intel® 6th and 7th Generation Core i5 Daws (A-NUC22-M3B)
AKASA Waterproof fanless case for Intel® 6th and 7th Generation Core i5 Daws (A-NUC22-M3B)
AKASA Waterproof fanless case for Intel® 6th and 7th Generation Core i5 Daws (A-NUC22-M3B)

AKASA Waterproof fanless case for Intel® 6th and 7th Generation Core i5 Daws

  • Nätaggregat 0W
  • Typ Small Form Factor (SFF)
  • Färg Svart

Pascal MC3 UP65 waterproof fanless case Intel NUC boards

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